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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Jenkins JSON API usage


class Jenkins

private $crumb_field;
private $crumb_value;

* Undocumented check the jenkins url is active
* @return boolean
function isActive()
$response = \Httpful\Request::get(JENKINS_URL . 'api/json/')
->authenticateWith(JENKINS_USER, JENKINS_PASS)

return isset($response->body->assignedLabels[0]->name);

function getVersion()

$response = \Httpful\Request::get(JENKINS_URL . 'api/json/')


->authenticateWith(JENKINS_USER, JENKINS_PASS)
* getLastBuild information for the $jobName sent
* @param mixed $jobName - Valid job name

function getLastBuildInfo($jobName)

$response = \Httpful\Request::get(JENKINS_URL . '/job/' . $jobName . '/lastBuild/api/json')
->authenticateWith(JENKINS_USER, JENKINS_PASS)
return $response->body;
* get all available jobs from the Jenkins with basic information
* @return Object
function getJobs()
$response = \Httpful\Request::get(JENKINS_URL . '/api/json?tree=jobs[name,color,url,description,buildable,inQueue,healthReport,lastStatbleBuild,lastUnstableBuild,lastSuccessfulBuild,lastFailedBuild]')
->authenticateWith(JENKINS_USER, JENKINS_PASS)
return $response->body;
* get config.xml for the jobname passed from Jenkins URL
* @param [string] $jobName
* @return Object
function getJobConfig($jobName)

$response = \Httpful\Request::get(JENKINS_URL . 'job/' . $jobName . '/config.xml')
->authenticateWith(JENKINS_USER, JENKINS_PASS)
return $response;
* trigger a job
* @param [string] $jobName
* @return Object
function buildJob($jobName)
if ($this->crumb_field == '' || $this->crumb_value == '') {
$response = \Httpful\Request::post(JENKINS_URL .'job/'.$jobName .'/build')
->addHeader($this->crumb_field, $this->crumb_value)
->authenticateWith(JENKINS_USER, JENKINS_PASS)
return $response;
* Get crumb information
* @return void
function getCrumb()
$response = \Httpful\Request::get(JENKINS_URL . 'crumbIssuer/api/json')
->authenticateWith(JENKINS_USER, JENKINS_PASS)
$this->crumb_field = $response->body->crumbRequestField;
$this->crumb_value = $response->body->crumb;
* Copy job to a new name
* @param [type] $from - Jobname
* @param [type] $to - Jobname
* @return Object
function createJob($from, $to)

if ($this->crumb_field == '' || $this->crumb_value == '') {
$response = \Httpful\Request::post(JENKINS_URL . 'createItem?name=' . $to . '&from=' . $from . '&mode=copy')
->addHeader($this->crumb_field, $this->crumb_value)

->authenticateWith(JENKINS_USER, JENKINS_PASS)
return $response;
